Different experience.

Study Next Leadership

Our Next Leadership study takes a look at the status of leadership development with a special focus on high potentials and their development in companies.

Talent management site assessment

This study shows the current status of talent management in German companies and attests to distinctive approaches and sub-processes which, however, are often only short-sighted and require a holistic strategy in order to survive in the competition for talent in the long term.

Leadership effective learning

The study sheds light on the role supervisors and leaders play in leadership development and shows which is the best place to build critical leadership skills.

What HR professionals think about personnel development

One look at what happens in HR departments on a daily basis is enough: 40% of internal appointments turn out to be a mistake, according to the Corporate Leadership Council 2010, and only 30% of management trainees in development programs are real talents. To date, these figures have not changed significantly.

Whitepaper: Making better use of potential

Potentials are composed of several aspects such as basic skills, motives, orientations, values and affinities. They measure characteristics that are more fundamental than competencies and therefore have an effect throughout a person’s entire professional life.

Our new whitepaper shows how profound potential diagnostics can help with your personnel development and lead to the right personnel decisions.

Our book: Next Leadership

Bild Führungssimulation Strametz

With our work “Next Leadership – Führung in neuen Arbeitswelten” (Next Leadership – Leadership in New Working Environments), we not only want to provide an overview of empirical findings, different approaches and approaches to next leadership, but also to encourage concrete implementation options and procedures in the company through methods and best practices. Leading HR experts provide insight into your business and their approaches.