Our videos - topics from personnel and organizational development and solutions explained clearly.
Here we have deposited for you videos that we believe are of relevance to you. Here you will find topics from personnel and organizational development as well as explanatory videos on solutions, methods and tools that we use in practice with our customers.
As far as talent and leadership development is concerned, over the course of more than 25 years we have managed to be actively listed with our tools and methods at well-known medium-sized companies and large corporations. Here you will find new and old videos, where the people of Strametz also have their say. Get to know our People and our service portfolio a little better with a focus on the further development of our simulation solutions towards leadership simulation.
Our video highlights
Here you will find the topics addressed and solutions clearly explained. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Have fun.
Our simulations offer managers the opportunity to focus on the topic of leadership in a protected setting. They face a variety of challenges in practical, fictitious company settings and within a defined time frame. This enables them to consciously perceive and review their behavior in certain situations and when critical events (Ciritical Incidents) occur.
In contrast to classic role-playing games, our simulations involve all participants equally. They slip into different positions, swap perspectives, and are constantly interacting, resulting in a high level of activity. Due to the high dynamics, all participants are immersed in the simulated working world. This allows leadership to be experienced with all the senses.
Explainer video for our Leadership Simulation with Active Learning
How does our leadership simulation work – explained briefly and clearly.
Our simulations with active learning approach are about maximum activation of the participants within a constructed but very realistic sequence from the typical daily work of a manager. In the processing of job-specific challenges and tasks, complex organizational relationships are created and group dynamic processes are triggered.
Simulations with Active Learning
The special kind of personnel development that shows its effect.
Michael Kühner, our Managing Director, spoke at Learntec about the innovative power of our Active Learning approach and talked about our sustainable and brain-friendly personnel development for companies and organizations.
The innovative power of the Active Learning approach
Sustainable and brain-based personnel development
In personnel diagnostics there are countless tools and instruments – well-founded and validated or rather of dubious significance. With the Affinity Profile® we offer a brand new method based on a new and revolutionary model. With a subject-topic approach to diagnostics, it fills a real gap and complements the previously recognized procedures for personnel selection and development. We work closely with the “inventor” and HR expert Manuel Schuchna and have invited him to join us. Learn more in the interview with Michael Kühner and Manuel Schuchna.
Affinity Profile® for better personnel decisions
More success in personnel selection and development with subject-specific personnel diagnostics
Find here all videos collected in our media library.
Find the complete collection of our videos in our video library here – browsing highly recommended!