Our solutions are tangibly different
We specialize in successful personnel selection and development solutions with custom-fit concepts for the qualification of your talents and executives
As the inventor of experience-based leadership simulations, today we offer you custom-fit solutions for your talent and leadership development.
What used to be called a business game or Active Learning, we have developed into contemporary leadership simulations.
With our active and behavior-oriented training concepts and simulation formats, we enable concepts for your personnel development that quickly generate sustainable learning effects and strengthen learning agility as a competence of the future among your talents and executives. We are all about solutions that bring success to you, your talent and your leaders. This is exactly where the core of our mature solutions lies.
Experiential learning has been our business for decades. Entrust your talents and leaders to our team of qualified consultants, trainers and coaches.
In times when many crises and changes challenge people as well as organizations, we need strong and active leaders. As Strametz Partners, we therefore see our mission as leading people in responsibility to self-awareness, motivation for change and clear perspectives through impressive development moments, and supporting them in becoming successful enablers and shapers of sustainable companies.”
The way we give feedback to talents and executives in training and coaching is described by our clients as experientially different.
Our trainings, concepts and solutions are based on Active Learning, a form of “learning by doing”, “experiential learning” or “experience learning”. A form of learning in which the learning person actively goes through processes, gathers experience in certain situations, forms opinions about the situation, makes decisions, and learns from the results with their respective consequences.
Most of what people learn and know is acquired in this way. Active Learning involves many different dimensions of learning. This is not just about the mere absorption of information, but about the direct processing, anchoring, and active reproduction of information in social situations, in concrete action, and in subsequent reflection. In training and coaching in simulations, the various senses of a learner are actively challenged to take in information, process it, and transform it into action and decision-making skills.
The innovative solutions and concepts offered to you here meet the needs of a modern and future-oriented People Company in every facet of talent and leadership development. With our online and offline solutions – focused on the individual, the team and the organization – we are your companion in the digital transformation.

From talent to performance:
The Strametz success model
From talent to performance: our services and solutions are always based on our Strametz success model

The Strametz success model shows the relationship between talents, competencies, performance and ultimately success. The overall framework is determined by the identity of the person and a meaning that this person sees in his performance and the pursuit of success. The bridge between the identity of the person and the meaningful success leads through feedback and reflection processes
What is generally true is especially true for leadership success. Basically, everyone is born with certain talents. Values and attitudes crystallize through socialization. Together with behavior and recurring patterns, a person’s personality is formed. These personality traits represent the basic potential that each person brings to the professional context – plus knowledge and experience. Competencies only set in when action can be used in different situations in a conscious, repeatable, and self-organized manner.
However, performance and results are not yet synonymous with success. Success is always attributed to a systemic context: either by the performing person him/herself, by others, or based on predefined and measurable criteria.
For the further development of the personality and the targeted development of competencies, feedback and reflection processes are necessary.
This is exactly where we come in with our solutions.
Where does your focus actually lie in personnel development?
For us, the Leadership Simulation is much more than just a business game. We are about people-centered trainings and coachings with knowledge gain about acceptable and practically implementable feedback to the consciously perceived own leadership behavior. Find out more about Leadership Simulation at Strametz and what we do for your talent and management staff with the know-how we have acquired over the years, beyond pure simulation games from other providers.
Benefit directly from our Active Learning insights in business and leadership simulations and a variety of trainings and modules with well over 10,000 participants.
Scientifically validated and well-founded personnel diagnostics – this is the basis of our solutions and concepts when it comes to profiling, personnel selection and personal development for talents and executives. From potential analysis to team diagnostics with recognized and coordinated procedures and tools, we accompany you with our experienced consultants in individually tailored development packages – not only with regard to the personality of individuals, but also with regard to personal, professional and thematic aspects for talents and managers in your team.
“Leadership of tomorrow“ for us means working concretely and actively with the next generation and the talents in your company and supporting you in making your leadership culture fit for the future.
To find out what is important, what solutions we offer and why we use the term “next leadership“, click on the button opposite.
Many companies have already recognized that a people-centric approach can help them face the enormous challenges in the digital transformation and the VUCA-driven world of work.
Though often misused in its meaning, agility is a key to success. Learn more about how our solutions can help you shape your path as a People Company or towards becoming a People Company. We help you get your people management off the ground conceptually and pragmatically.
The "people" behind Strametz are tangibly different - say customers.
“It’s different with you somehow,” say participants in our trainings and learning events. “I didn’t expect it like this. There is a special and appreciative spirit with you. For the first time, I have the feeling that I am personally taken seriously with my concerns and my peculiarities.” This or similar is the feedback we receive from participants during and after our trainings.
Experienced, qualified and psychologically trained consultants are available to assist our clients in their personnel and development work. We are sure to find exactly the right contact person for you, your needs, your talents and your management skills.
Take a look at the People at Strametz and what we stand for. Get to know our management team, our consultants and our office team.