Multimodal/multimethodical procedures of personnel selection

Multimodal/multimethod diagnostics is one of the most demanding methods in psychological diagnostics. A widespread and popular representative of multimethod diagnostics, as a procedure, is the assessment center.
Talent management in the midmarket

In recent years, talent management has established itself as one of the most important issues for executives and HR managers. This development does not stop at small and medium-sized enterprises either. Here in particular, finding and retaining well-trained employees is one of the decisive factors in ensuring the company’s long-term competitiveness. But how can talent management work specifically in the midmarket? What special features are there to consider and what can practical measures look like? In our new series of articles, SMEs learn how to attract, identify, develop and retain talent.
Successful methods of personnel diagnostics

We would now like to explore the question of what personnel diagnostics procedures exist and what they can be used for.
Debunking myths in personnel diagnostics

Many myths and prejudices surround the topic of personnel diagnostics. In general, myths and prejudices have not only disadvantages: There is always a bit of truth to them. In addition, rigid stances on certain issues provide stability. If several people have the same view, they even connect. A team feeling develops. However, the more cultivated myths are, the more they can slow down progress. Where fixed paradigms rule, there is usually little room for innovation, forward thinkers have a hard time, and change managers are fighting windmills. How can HR developers and managers escape this struggle and get back to the basics?
As HR consultants, we encounter certain myths in HR development/diagnostics on a regular basis. In the following, we would like to point out the two most common myths from personnel diagnostics and review them.
In the job interview: Do like and like go together?

For most mid-size employers, the free interview is still considered the most popular diagnostic method in the hiring process. In most cases, people still rely on their gut feeling when it comes to making decisions regarding applicants. The focus here is on whether the applicant fits into the team and the culture of the company or the management. The consequences of this subjective action are often expensive and unpleasant costs. […]
German business game provider provides insights into exciting projects and reports on internal developments

Up close to the pulse of our company: the creation of a development center for a customer and what happens behind the scenes With “Strametz Insight”, we are introducing a format for the first time in which we report on selected customer projects and provide insights behind the scenes. “We are proud of the developments […]
Potential diagnostics in talent selection

Assessment Center: Old hat or still relevant? Some hate it, many are looking for less onerous processes, and yet most companies use it. What makes a good assessment center today? Latest tools[nbsp] or[nbsp] best practices? What counts in the end is making the right personnel decision. 10 success factors for assessment centers
Architecture of executive development in medium-sized companies

Strategic personnel development of executives is core factor for corporate success “We don’t have any regulated personnel or management development. The managers tend to look for themselves at what is needed.” This is how things usually work in Germany’s small and medium-sized enterprises. Training budgets are squandered and the potential of key personnel is wasted. […]
Success factors in talent management

Which factors are of importance to successfully establish and shape talent management What does the term “talent” mean in your company? What criteria are used to decide whether someone is a “talent” or not? An inconsistent understanding of the term results in many mistakes in companies when working with talent. The targeted definition of terms […]
Talent management – What do I need to know?
Talent management refers to the totality of all strategies and measures in a company that serve to attract, retain, secure and sustain high-potential employees. Talent management used to consist of narrowing down vacant positions through a job profile, generating applications for the position, and filling it to address existing challenges. Today, the freestyle of talent […]