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Study Next Leadership

Our Next Leadership study takes a look at the status of leadership development with a special focus on high potentials and their development in companies.

Next Leadership is shaping the culture and the world of work. What constitutes sustainable leadership? What are current demands on leaders and implications for leadership development?

The market is becoming increasingly dynamic and fast-paced, putting increasing pressure on the world of work as a whole. But what demands are placed on managers here? What behaviors are important today and in the future? Our Next Leadership study also takes a look at the status of leadership development with a special focus on high potentials and their development in companies.

There has always been pressure to adapt to changing markets and social developments. The difference today is that everything happens much faster and every person and thus (potential) customer has information available via the Internet or can join opinion makers that companies can only control to a limited extent. Speed, adaptability and customer orientation are the buzzwords for new and agile forms of work. Ultimately, it is a question of the attitude of everyone involved that shapes culture in the context of Next Leadership.

In order for a common orientation to succeed, managers have a significant role to play. This is because the employee compares his attitude with that of his manager and deals with dissonance accordingly. Therefore, the role and task of managers is under controversial discussion.

Analogous to diverse trends, numerous concepts can also be found in leadership, such as age-appropriate leadership, digital leadership, intercultural leadership, or agile leadership. These are all issues that can be derived from demographic, economic and technical developments. But what does the Next Leader need in a Next Leadership corporate world?

The study we have compiled and presented here shows that the world of work is changing significantly in certain areas due to trends such as digitalization. These changes are not without consequences for leadership in companies.

The requirements for leaders that this study identifies can be divided into three main areas, which are usually considered in the context of leadership models. Find out what we have investigated for you and what results we have come to. Learn what the results of our study mean for future leadership development toward Next Leadership.

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