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Developing managers sustainably with Active Learning – now also remotely

Put an end to ineffective seminars and boring role plays: We show you how effective leadership development also works in your company. Using the Active Learning approach and Strametz & Associates' effective leadership simulation.

Do you want holistic personnel development that provides you with a long-term orientation framework and strengthens the leadership culture in your company? Do you want to proactively create the right conditions for your employees to stay motivated, expand their skills and recognize and exploit potential? Do you want to take the first steps on the way to becoming a People Company and are you ready to invest in your leadership and employee team? Constantly changing trends, new technologies and dynamic market environments cause headaches for many companies. They don’t know how to effectively leverage the opportunities of transformation. Together we will find answers to your questions and solutions to your concerns. We initiate sustainable changes with effective concepts. We support you in the long term in building a sustainable leadership culture and thus lay the foundation for secure growth in your company. To enable you to benefit from our experience in an uncomplicated and flexible way, we now also offer our training formats remotely.

It’s time to invest in meaningful, sustainable leadership development

You have the feeling that previous training measures have hardly brought anything and have certainly not changed anything? Your employees might even be a little tired of training? The sticking point is in the process. Many trainings and seminars are theoretical, so that it is hardly possible for the participants to transfer contents and methods to everyday life. Often, what is learned is not applicable in practice because role plays are too far removed from reality and learning programs are too one-dimensional. Knowledge fizzles out if you don’t deepen it through experience. As well as the budget that is invested in fruitless training measures. If seminars and training courses do not have a lasting effect, they have missed their target. On the way to becoming a People Company, more is needed than just selective training measures for employees. Holistic personnel development is needed to initiate deeper change processes and ultimately secure and improve the long-term economic success of the company.

With effective management development you ensure the success of your company

It’s no longer a secret that in a complex, uncertain working world, companies need to invest in their employees in order to be successful on the market in the long term. 90 percent of companies state that the success of a company depends to a large extent on the development of its managers. To achieve this, the focus must increasingly be on people with their values, motives and personal characteristics and experiences. Only those companies that give their managers the opportunity to develop and effectively implement changes in the team will be able to meet the major challenges of the future. Our leadership simulations are based on the understanding of Active Learning and enable a holistic personality and competence development of managers and talents.

Active Learning makes leadership development a different experience

Nothing leaves a more lasting impression than one’s own experience. And that brings us to the heart of how effective leadership development works for companies. Strametz [&] Associates is considered a pioneer of behavioral business games in human resource development, which have been continuously developed since then. Active Learning is the most original and sustainable form of human learning. Combined with unique simulations, it forms the basis for efficient personal development and training of relevant leadership skills. The latest findings in brain research show that we learn best through experience and deepen the learning process with linked emotions.

We create experiential spaces that set real change processes in motion

Gone are the days of unmotivated role exercises and marginal input. With our customized simulation formats, we create experiential spaces that enable effective learning experiences, support self-reflection and readiness for change, and teach action skills in a highly efficient manner. Through our holistic approach to learning, cognitive, emotional and social aspects are addressed in equal measure. Social learning takes place in the joint interaction. Targeted feedback, micro-impulses and practical action alternatives form a clear compass for personal development. Often, managers already have the necessary knowledge, but are unable to apply it to the day-to-day running of the company. They cannot call on their competencies because they lack the necessary management experience. With our Active Learning approach, we close this gap in a sustainable way.

In simulations, managers can focus on the topic of leadership

Our simulations offer managers the opportunity to focus on the topic of leadership in a protected setting. They face a variety of challenges in practical, fictitious company settings and within a defined time frame. This enables them to consciously perceive and review their behavior in certain situations and when critical events (Ciritical Incidents) occur. In contrast to classic role-playing games, our simulations involve all participants equally. They slip into different positions, swap perspectives, and are constantly interacting, resulting in a high level of activity. Due to the high dynamics, all participants are immersed in the simulated working world. This allows leadership to be experienced with all the senses.

Do you already know our explanatory video on simulation with Active Learning?

Appreciative impact feedback with the aha effect

To bring about change effectively, experiences must be linked to emotions. To do this, we pave the way to self-reflection. Our simulations are accompanied by intensive feedback processes that follow each simulation round. How do I perceive myself? How do my actions affect my employees? Which ingrained behavior patterns are counterproductive for the achievement of goals in the team? An experienced team of consultants is on hand to provide professional support for the process of experience and reflection. Since the participants are often completely absorbed in the simulations, it is not uncommon for an emotional “aha” effect to occur when they receive their impact feedback from our consultants, employees or management colleagues. The newly gained knowledge can be directly transferred into practice in the next simulation round and thus anchored in the memory via the learning experience. In this way, we train new behaviors that have a lasting positive impact on the work environment and the company’s success.

Remote simulations now available from anywhere at any time

In order to provide our customers with the best possible support in times of pandemic and beyond, we have also been conducting our leadership simulation remotely for the past year. In recent months, we have added digital formats to our training offerings, which were previously designed purely as classroom events, thus taking management development to a new level. Our customers benefit from this in several ways: independent of time and place, we can now respond even more flexibly to the needs of our customers. Our digitally supported solutions even better map the requirements for executives in the digital transformation. Significant time and cost savings for the customer and new options for international cooperation are further benefits. With digitized Active Learning simulations, our offerings are attractive to partners and customers around the world.

Great need to catch up in the area of agile leadership

Flexible working environments, home offices and digital communication are changing everyday business life. However, many companies have a lot of catching up to do, especially in the area of agile leadership. In the world of work 4.0, leadership means motivating and empowering employees to find solutions on their own, to assume personal responsibility and to act self-effectively. In the future, managers will have to provide the orientation framework within which their employees make decisions. This requires a high level of trust and social competence. We believe that profound transformation must be accompanied by a vertical development approach. Expanding one’s own skills is no longer enough on its own. Leaders need to grow in their whole personality to stay on course in troubled waters. To ensure this, we will combine online and face-to-face modules to a greater extent in the future, thus casting our solutions in a holistic development concept that we can vary according to need and objective.

More than 20,000 managers already rely on Active Learning simulations

And not without reason. For more than 30 years, we have been leaders in the field of leadership development based on simulation. Together with our customers, we adapt our simulations to goals and key topics and find individual solutions on the way to the People Company. Due to the high utility value and the sustainable, positive effects, customer satisfaction is 98 percent. In our partner companies, leadership simulations are the centerpiece and most important building block in their development programs. Our clients are enthusiastic about the special learning experiences and grateful for the valuable and qualified feedback that enables proactive further development.

If you want to tackle the topic of leadership development with us, get in touch now. We look forward to receiving your email or phone call.

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