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Next Leadership means empowerment

In the debate about the right leadership style or method, the concept of transformational leadership has often been emphasized in recent years, which, in contrast to transactional leadership, relies more on inspiration, intellectual stimulation and individual care than on a classic reward system. Above all, it is about offering the employee orientation and meaning so that he or she is self-motivated to perform better.

Next Leadership is more than just a leadership method

In the debate about the right leadership style or method, the concept of transformational leadership has often been emphasized in recent years, which, in contrast to transactional leadership, relies more on inspiration, intellectual stimulation and individual care than on a classic reward system. Above all, it is about offering the employee orientation and meaning so that he or she is self-motivated to perform better.

But Next Leadership must go beyond this and strives for true empowerment, so that employees can make decisions themselves and take on more responsibility. If employees are enthusiastic, network and there is a will to develop themselves, then leadership can be more encouraging and sometimes corrective. As a result, a classic understanding of roles and the differentiation into “below” and “above” recede into the background.

Rigid hierarchical systems lead to the incapacitation of employees. Flexible forms of self-organization and leadership strengthen individual responsibility and thus leadership competencies at all levels. If you think about this consistently, the person who has the courage to take responsibility for an activity or decision always leads. This means changing and networked management action and can then rightly be called agile.

This makes it clear that next leadership is more about a basic cultural orientation with shared values than a new leadership method. In order for managers to be able to support employees in their development, management development is required beforehand or at least at the same time. This should not be limited to skill training, but should aim at a development that sharpens the ability to perceive and reflect. This makes it possible not only to develop competencies, but also to change attitudes and thought patterns. This is the only way to transform one’s self.

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