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The nextleader supports the orientation movement of its employees

How does the #nextleader manage to bring both interest groups together in the area of tension between the company and the employee - especially when employees are demanding more and more independence and personal development instead of seeing the company's interests? Read our article to find out why it will be important in the future not only to provide orientation, but to actively support employees' orientation efforts.

The nextleader supports its employees in orientation

The nextleader moves in the area of tension between the company and the employee. On the one hand, it must provide the employee with the necessary orientation with regard to customers, the market and the company in order to safeguard the company’s interests in the best possible way. On the other hand, he must also respond to the individual employee. Even, or especially, when the employee sees less the company’s interests and more himself and his own development.

The latter can be observed very nicely in the different generations. After generations X and Y, generation Z is now in the professional starting blocks. Today’s twenty-somethings have grown up with the economic and financial crisis. “Boss, do it without me for a change,” is a typical saying. Even before them, Generation Y demanded more freedom, the opportunity for self-realization, and more time for family and leisure. She no longer wants to subordinate everything to her job, but wants a balance between work and leisure.

At present, however, orientation (giving) runs mostly in one direction only, so it tends to follow a one-way street. The manager sets the tone and the employee follows. But providing guidance is not the development that employees envision.

Ideally, the nextleader supports the employee’s active development efforts. But this would be new: Enabling the employee to develop his orientation himself. [nbsp]The goal behind it: The employee should move confidently and independently in the market, with customers and in the company – provide himself with orientation – and thereby develop and even increase his career potential himself, because this takes the company’s interests into account.

But where exactly are the needs of the employee? And – does the nextleader know them? To do this, the manager must address its needs.

The nextleader best meets the challenges of development byempowering andenabling employees to take on more responsibility and greater tasks. The manager has the task of organizing the employee’s empowerment and guiding him or her toward new skills.

In the term development or orientation movement there is again the movement aspect, which was already mentioned in the[nbsp]article of July 4.

The nextleader will increasingly have the task of showing the employee perspectives, communicating innovative solutions and supporting this orientation movement in a common direction in line with the company’s goals. After all, the nextleader is not only there for the employee, but forms the link from the company to the employee.

Thus, the new task of the nextleader to its employees:

Creating and giving space for creativity and self-development forces and will, which the employee can and wants to use for the company.

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