Different experience.

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Best Practice

Best practice in personnel and organizational development with Strametz

We would not like to deprive you of our findings on relevant personnel and leadership topics from practical implementation on site. Learn what is important in contemporary personnel and organizational development based on best practice.

You can read about how our proven tools and methods have been used successfully in practice here in the Best Practice section. Learn how a Multifunctional Development Center works and can be applied in practice. Let us show you how talent management can be successfully implemented in production or technical sales. When you discuss and implement your individual solution with our experienced and professionally trained consultants, you will discover how much know-how is available at Strametz from solutions that have already been implemented. Satisfied customers from medium-sized companies and large corporations confirm time and again that we work in a tangibly different way within the framework of solutions tailored to their needs – with effective methods and sustainable success.

Which best practice are you interested in?

In Best Practice, we talk about how our tools and topics have been successfully applied in practice.

Bildersammlung von Dokumenten zu Best Practice von Strametz

Our examples have inspired you and you want to know more?

In addition to our examples, we have compiled even more knowledge and know-how for you in various articles , news and contributions focusing on personnel and organizational development in companies and organizations. Learn what successful companies, organizations and people companies do differently. Benefit from our knowledge and experience from practical work.

Get an overview of our powerful portfolio.