Different experience.

Study Next Leadership

Our Next Leadership study takes a look at the status of leadership development with a special focus on high potentials and their development in companies.

Self-efficacy – the royal road to success?

Which characteristics and skills in your employees ensure an above-average contribution to the company? The trend topic of self-efficacy has received special attention in recent years. But is self-efficacy really the royal road to success?

Study of the month: October

In an increasingly globalized world, small and medium-sized enterprises – which are often still traditionally and regionally rooted – are confronted with growing challenges. In order to remain competitive, there is a need to have qualified, capable and motivated managers in the company’s own ranks.Strametz [&] Associates has conducted a study against this backdrop that looks at the management development of medium-sized companies.

Agile leadership – buzzword or future trend?

There is currently no getting around the topic of “agility” – and it is particularly worthwhile to turn the agile gaze to the topic of “leadership”. Because agile leadership combines methods and values, process management and people management, techniques and ideas.

In our free whitepaper, we devote ourselves entirely to the topic of agility and answer the question of why agile leadership can only work with an agile corporate culture.

5 Competencies for the future

What does current research say about future competencies? What skills will employees and managers need in the future?

Eight studies with a combined total of more than 3,000 respondents were included in our metastudy. Overall, 64 competencies emerged as particularly important in the studies. We give you an overview and focus on the 5 most important future competencies.