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Open Leadership Simulation with new dates

On April 13-14 and May 04-05, our open Leadership Simulation will be held.
Termine für die offene Leadership Simulation

ACTION LEARNING. LIVE. You’ve never learned leadership so effectively.

Finally, the time has come again. We offer our popular Leadership Simulation as an open training and you can register now.

Current dates for the open Leadership Simulation:

  • April 13-14, 2023
  • 04-05 May 2023

You would like to participate, but there is not the right date for you? Feel free to contact us and we will inform you first when new dates are planned. Please use our contact form for this purpose.

What is special about the Leadership Simulation?

The leadership simulations depict a typical everyday working life of managers. Tasks and activities with different topics and special challenges are simulated in several rounds. With the Critical Incident Methodology we provide a practice-oriented training of various action competencies in an interactive-dynamic setting.

In doing so, we create effective learning experiences and generate lasting “aha” moments. Through feedback and reflection, we ensure together with the participants the transfer into their everyday work.

Who is the Leadership Simulation open training suitable for?

We would like to offer all interested parties the opportunity to get to know our Leadership Simulation. In particular, the open format is suitable for

  • Executives and junior executives who are not in the mood for classic leadership seminars
  • Personnel and HR managers as well as decision-makers who would like to get to know and experience for themselves an effective and dynamic approach to their leadership trainings.

Register now

Do you feel like experiencing impressive development moments? Then take part in our open Leadership Simulation. Here you can find more information about the registration and the Leadership Simulation. Until 24.03.2023 you can still secure our special price! We look forward to seeing you.

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