Different experience.

People & Company
Bild Strametz Signet

New website, new logo, new ways of leadership development

Strametz, successful management consultancy in the areas of management development, next talent management and personnel diagnostics presents itself in a different way on the new website. The fresh logo and new design combine everything that makes up the Strametz brand DNA: more customer proximity, authentic communication, flexible solutions and sound premium content. Strametz Managing Director Michael Kühner explains in an interview what the new brand identity is all about.

In an interview about the new website with Michael Kühner, Managing Director of Strametz

How did you come up with the idea of relaunching the website just now?

Michael Kühner: Strametz is developing at a rapid pace. Our new brand identity underscores our claim to be the best partner for medium-sized and large companies, as well as international corporations, when it comes to experience-based leadership, talent and organizational development. The overhaul of our corporate design and website marks the completion of a lengthy strategy process. We have been heavily involved with the Strametz brand over the past few months. What makes us different? What clearly distinguishes us from other personnel consultancies? What values do we want to stand for? What is our meaningful drive for us as a team and for our customers? In this strategy process, we worked with our colleagues, shareholders, clients and consultants to compile ideas, values and motives and mold them into our corporate mission statement. This process has now been successfully completed: “Experience different” is the central message that will serve as a frame of reference for our actions in the future. We already act accordingly in our cooperation as a team and with our customers. Now it’s time to communicate this guiding principle to the outside world via our brand and web presence.

What makes your website experientially different?

Michael Kühner: We have adapted the design and the visual language to the new orientation. On our website we provide authentic insights into our work. Nothing is posed. That creates a certain closeness. Whether as an employee, a member of our team or as a customer – we focus on people with their qualities, values, motives and potential. And we want to make that clear on the new website as well.

In the course of the relaunch, you also revised the word mark?

Michael Kühner: Correct. Strametz & Associates” has become “Strametz”. This is more gripping and easier to memorize. The name Strametz goes back to the founder Dieter Strametz, who revolutionized personnel development with behavior-oriented, interactive business games more than 40 years ago and thus laid the foundation for our work today. It is only logical to focus on our brand core as part of the rebranding. In addition, the logo now consists of monochrome lowercase letters, which reflects the zeitgeist and creates proximity to the reader.

And what does the new figurative mark stand for?

Michael Kühner: The open, transparent triangle is not only part of our new logo, but can also be found in various places on the website. It stands for an open, flexible leadership culture in a hybrid working world, but also for the variable training approaches that Strametz develops for managers and talents and that are pioneering in a complex working world. We want to make our dynamic, interactive approach tangible through visual representation. Next Leadership is a topic that is becoming increasingly important in companies. Employees who are trusted in an agile work environment, who are allowed to participate in decision-making processes and who identify with the company are ultimately more satisfied and motivated. This is the basis for the long-term success of the company. The arrowhead pointing to the right serves as a signpost to the future and symbolizes a new age of leadership development. We have also made changes in the color scheme. The new turquoise blue stands for innovation, clarity and confidence. Three attributes that are closely associated with Strametz.

In addition to the visual appearance, however, some structural changes have also been made. What can your visitors expect?

Michael Kühner: We have restructured our content on the website and focused more on our core competencies. We are the inventors of experience-based leadership simulations and offer individual and effective solutions that significantly contribute to talents and leaders recognizing and realizing their potential. Through our customized development concepts, we initiate sustainable learning and change processes. In this way, we are able to support companies in their transformation process to a People Company. In our “Solutions” section, interested companies can learn all about our core services and how we develop talent in key positions in our trainings.

What was the biggest challenge regarding the new website?

Michael Kühner: Indeed, the structuring of the content. On the old website, all the themes took place a bit everywhere. Now we have clearly structured the content and bundled it into four sections: companies, solutions, know-how and the news section on current topics from the world of work. In this way, our website visitors can better orient themselves and find their way around. A new element is also the search function. It helps our users find specific topics of interest.

Why is it worth taking a look at the content area?

Michael Kühner: In the “Know-how” section, we have compiled everything worth knowing from the areas of leadership, HR diagnostics, talent development and People Company in the form of white papers and specialist articles. In recent years, the world of work has changed drastically, shaping a new concept of leadership. Leadership today must be flexible and agile in order to constantly adapt to dynamic change processes and master the challenges of tomorrow. Providing optimal learning and development opportunities requires appropriate effective development formats. In recent years, we have collected a number of best-practice examples of how successful leadership and talent development can be achieved within a company. We are happy to make these available to our readers.

So it’s worth visiting the website regularly?

Michael Kühner: In any case. Anyone who is concerned with leadership and personnel topics will find it worthwhile to make a regular trip to Strametz. There is regular fresh content, practical examples and news on the topics of next leadership, corporate culture, talent development and working world 4.0. This is another point that makes Strametz tangibly different, which brings us back to our brand essence. If you don’t want to miss any more information and news, you can follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Xing. We are present and active there and welcome any form of exchange and discourse on the issues that move us today and tomorrow.

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