Different experience.

Bild Strametz Signet

Our book: Next Leadership

With our work "Next Leadership - Führung in neuen Arbeitswelten" (Next Leadership - Leadership in New Working Environments), we not only want to provide an overview of empirical findings, different approaches and approaches to next leadership, but also to encourage concrete implementation options and procedures in the company through methods and best practices. Leading HR experts provide insight into your business and their approaches.
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Leadership in new working environments

What characterizes the leadership of tomorrow? On the one hand, digitization, new forms of work, and the increase in complexity and dynamics demand corresponding agile forms of organization, and above all the changed demands of the next generation of employees require a new type of leader – the next leader.

On the other hand, the type of leadership as a key cultural feature of any organization(next leadership) influences its attractiveness as an employer, staff turnover, the creation of value and meaning for employees, and thus their identification with the company as well as their work. Not only digitization and global trends are changing the world of work, but the human resource remains the decisive competitive factor.

Many companies are currently experimenting with leadership approaches and are finding that it is a challenging transformation process. It is important to be clear about the need for change, the internal readiness for change, the potential for change, and a target picture of where the journey should lead. In addition, it helps to know the challenges that a Next Leadership Transformation brings in order to be able to meet them.

With this work, we not only want to provide an overview of empirical findings, different approaches and approaches to the topic of next leadership, but also to encourage concrete implementation options and procedures in the company through methods and best practices.

You can get the book online or as a hardback edition from us (only while stocks last). Please feel free to contact us for this purpose.

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