Different experience.

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What does agile leadership need?

The increasing flexibility of networks and interdisciplinary team structures require strong teamwork skills in leadership. Developing teams and providing a guardrail is not new territory in the field of leadership. But what is required much more today is increased empathy and sensitivity to different experiences, ways of acting, and ways of thinking.

Agile leadership needs strong intercultural competence …and this can now be trained

The increasing flexibility of networks and interdisciplinary team structures require strong teamwork skills in leadership. Developing teams and providing a guardrail is not new territory in the field of leadership. But what is required much more today is increased empathy and sensitivity to different experiences, ways of acting, and ways of thinking. Thus, a strongly developed, intercultural competence on an international and global level as well as the ability to lead teams online is becoming increasingly important.

The management of agile, international teams can now be quickly trained. For this purpose we have designed the sports company Accelero. So they can within the framework of two days:

  • Learn more about managing a strategy retreat with people from diverse backgrounds than is possible in reality.
  • They learn how to increase the productivity of multicultural teams via increasing self-responsibility.
  • You will learn about decision making in the context of high group diversity and how to motivate and mobilize culturally diverse teams.

Intensive self-reflection and sensitization to do’s and don’ts with people from other cultures are further aspects of the training.

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