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Requirements for managers and implications for management development

Our study on leadership requirements and the implications for leadership development is now available for free download. Get inspired to think about, continue or think ahead on the topic of Next Leadership in your organization.

Leadership will change dramatically. This is the opinion of 74 percent of the business owners and HR managers we surveyed.

With the study, enriched with your own experiences and impulses, we invite you to reflect on, continue or think ahead about the topic of Next Leadership in your company. You can download our study “Requirements for managers and effects on management development” free of charge.

This looks at the changes in the marketplace that are putting increasing pressure on the world of work as a whole. Based on this, the next part describes the requirements for managers. Finally, the focus is then directed to leadership development with a special focus on high potentials and their development within the company. But why this study?

New Work needs leaders capable of change

There has always been pressure to adapt to changing markets and social developments. The difference today is that everything happens much faster and every person and thus (potential) customer has information available via the Internet or can join opinion makers that companies can only control to a limited extent. Speed, adaptability and customer orientation are the buzzwords for new and agile forms of work. Ultimately, it is a question of the attitude of everyone involved that shapes culture.

In order for a common orientation to succeed, managers have a significant role to play. This is because the employee compares his attitude with that of his manager and deals with dissonance accordingly. Therefore, the role and task of managers is under controversial discussion.

Analogous to diverse trends, numerous concepts can also be found in leadership, such as age-appropriate leadership, digital leadership, intercultural leadership, or agile leadership. These are all issues that can be derived from demographic, economic and technical developments. But what does the next leader need?

Leadership is always about change

Always, leadership is about moving from an actual state to a target state with as many or even all members of an organization as possible. Dealing with change has always been a core task of the manager. This aspect of leadership will not change, but will remain within the framework of next Leadership. Only the ways and means of recognizing and achieving the target state change and bring new challenges for managers.

To meet these requirements, certain (leadership) competencies are needed for next leadership. According to Erpenbeck, competence is “the ability to act in a self-organized and creative manner in dynamic, complex, and open sometimes unmanageable situations.” It is about action competencies that leaders demonstrate as stable, repeatable behavior.

To the study “Demands on managers and effects on management development

Requirements and behaviors that will be particularly relevant in the future are examined in more detail in our study “Requirements for managers and implications for management development”. Simply visit the know-how section and download the study free of charge.

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