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The talent check – discovering and developing potential

The promotion of young talent in the company, be it apprentices, dual students or trainees, is about developing potential and about the question of which best possible path to take in the company in the future. This poses an enormous challenge, as the young talents sometimes still lie dormant in the corporate context like diamonds in the rough that need to be found and polished. How can training and HR managers discover these unique gifts and talents? And how do you reconcile these and personal orientation movements with future corporate interests?

How to recognize and develop the (undiscovered) potential of your young talents

Pure competence development, as we use it in typical personnel development, reaches its limits here, since “hidden” things have to be made visible and the future perspective plays a central role. With competencies, we only ever see observable behavior and disregard these two elements. In addition, skills as well as experience, which are only available to a limited extent in the case of talent, are also included in competence observation. This brings us to the term “potential”:

Potential is therefore the competence that has not yet been realized. It describes[nbsp] future growth and development opportunities for upcoming challenges.

It is about analyzing (undiscovered) gifts and talents as well as future development opportunities. Although this is not observable, it can be measured very well by certain diagnostic instruments.

So what might an approach to potential analysis and development look like?

Strametz has developed the so-called “talent check” for this purpose, and it comprises a holistic approach that discovers the stable and fundamental personality traits of up-and-coming talent and lays the foundation for targeted further development. In addition, attitudes, values and motivations are elaborated. The goal and result are an orientation about the existing potentials as well as clear career perspectives in the company.

The Talent Check is offered in the form of a one-day group seminar and includes proven and recognized diagnostic tools. Participants are enabled to correctly assess their top talents, individual attitudes and values as well as personal motivation and to concretely implement suggestions for future development. Training and HR managers can also be trained in the Talentcheck method so that they can conduct their own seminars and coaching sessions.

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