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The nextleader looks at 4 angles

The #nextleader masters the keyboard of people, business, change and self. In the future, leadership will operate in these areas of tension, and managers must achieve a balance in all areas. Our contribution today shows how this can succeed and what leadership must focus on in the future.

nextleadership is versatile

The last four articles have shown that the nextleader deals with change, needs natural leadership authority, supports the orientation movement of his employees and is a leader for his own self. At first glance, this may sound a bit thrown together. But behind this – viewed on a general level – are four perspectives that the nextleader will have to manage in the future:

  1. Change

Dealing with change becomes the nextleader’s core task, and it is through this that he or she gains the right to lead in the first place.

  1. People

The nextleader needs human kindness and warm-heartedness but also competence and strength to be perceived as an authority by the employees. This is how he manages to motivate his people to be active.

  1. Business

The business of the nextleader moves in the area of tension between employees and the company. Here, instead of providing orientation, he should support the employee in his orientation movement so that he can orient himself independently to the company.

  1. Self

In his self-organization, the nextleader not only needs to focus on time and goal management, but he should also pay attention to his psychological, physical, cognitive and behavioral well-being.

The nextleader will have to operate in these areas of tension and achieve a balance between different interests. Because these four perspectives are not always free of contradictions. Thus, one does not always want constant changes and it is not always possible to ensure that the employee sees the company’s interests.

But the nextleader should be aware of these 4 perspectives and decide where just to focus. To do this, he must keep an eye on his task as a manager, his employees, the upcoming changes, and himself, and constantly reflect on his own position in them.

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