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The nextleader is a leader for the own self

Many managers have the company and their employees well in mind, but forget themselves and often lose the balance. This is not only about topics such as personal time and goal management, but also about forgetting one's own values and sensitivities. Read our article to find out which personal dimensions the #nextleader should pay attention to in order to stay in balance and be able to realize the hoped-for potential.

Self-leadership is elementary for leaders

Too many talented leaders have failed themselves in the past. Partly it was behaviors (e.g., being overly generous or withdrawn) that kept putting the same foot in the mouth; partly it was emotions doing what they wanted to the leader (instead of the other way around). In many cases, physical sensitivities were the bottleneck factor; simply disregarded for too long.

Fate, however, does not care whether the cause of the failure is to be found in the private or professional environment – the person who has been thrown out of a healthy balance usually no longer makes as good progress in either area as his or her potential promised.

That is why the nextleader must first and foremost be an expert on his or her own self and have learned to lead this complicated entity.

The nextleader is able to think, feel and act on his own initiative.

  • to control in a goal-oriented manner
  • to change intentionally
  • effectively control and
  • to develop further in a value-based manner.

(cf. Müller/Braun: Praxisfeld Selbstführung).

From this definition it is clear: self-leadership goes far beyond time/goal and self-management. The aspect of value-relatedness in particular broadens the view considerably. The nextleader therefore ensures that he encounters or creates situations in which his values can unfold as well as possible.

For the nextleader, four dimensions of self-leadership emerge:

  1. Cognitive self-leadership

How clearly do I know what I want and how I want to go about it? And: How well can I push through this wanting despite resisting currents (“procrastination” or other “temptations”). The nextleader has a clear objective for himself and knows how to implement it strategically and in the right situation.

  1. Psychic self-leadership

How well can I control my emotions? Do these (or the much-quoted horse) sometimes run away with me? How can I perceive and appreciate my inner sensitivities on the one hand, but avoid obstructive external effects on the other? The nextleader is an expert for his “inner team” and knows how to combine effectiveness and authenticity.

  1. Behavioral self-leadership

Which behavior is helpful and when? What do I do with it? What of it do I want to develop and cultivate (strengthen strengths), what should I supplement (learn; practice new behavior)? The nextleader is a constant learner who expands his behavioral repertoire and uses it in a situation-intelligent way. Of course, he always remains true to his values (see above) – to anticipate the question about possible acting skills.

  1. Physical self-leadership

“Physical fitness is the basis for all other forms of excellence” (J.F. Kennedy). That is why nextleader pays attention to this basis of successful work.

(Based on Prof. G. Müller/Persolog GmbH: Self-leadership profile)


The nextleader knows himself(self-awareness), takes care of himself(self-care), shapes his life(self-responsibility) and moves it forward(self-direction). This allows him to set an example as a leader.

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