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Success factors in talent management

Which factors are of importance to successfully establish and shape talent management

What does the term “talent” mean in your company? What criteria are used to decide whether someone is a “talent” or not? An inconsistent understanding of the term results in many mistakes in companies when working with talent. The targeted definition of terms must therefore be specific, delimitable and adapted to the corporate context. Ensuring this first success factor is not always easy. What can you do to lay a foundation for successful talent management?

In addition to the definition of the concept of talent, the alignment of talent management with top management is considered one of the most important success factors for goal-oriented talent management work. Why? Because advocates are won here who actively drive the future process, represent it in the top management and accompany its success.

But what happens next? It is difficult to shape talent management from the so-called ivory tower of HR departments if there is not a good network with the department heads. These are the ones who can justify a precise selection of young talent in the nomination process. The success factor here is therefore that those responsible for talent management must be able to demonstrate transparent selection criteria which, against the background of the strategy, can also be supported by heads of department.

In addition to the success factors for successful talent management outlined here, there are many more that, if successfully considered, can bring about a competitive advantage for any.

Book your talent management workshop today and lay the foundation for successful talent management with Strametz [&] Associates.

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