Career guide: Successfully building a career as an expert

Our white paper on our new career strategy
Whitepaper: Hybrid Leadership and Collaboration

How to successfully lead hybrid teams to collaborate more effectively and efficiently.
Whitepaper: Leadership Potential Compass

Scientific background to our unique procedure in potential diagnostics for executives.
Whitepaper: Making better use of potential

Potentials are composed of several aspects such as basic skills, motives, orientations, values and affinities. They measure characteristics that are more fundamental than competencies and therefore have an effect throughout a person’s entire professional life.
Our new whitepaper shows how profound potential diagnostics can help with your personnel development and lead to the right personnel decisions.
Whitepaper: Leadership Potential Compass

Scientific background to our unique procedure in potential diagnostics for executives.
New Whitepaper: Active Learning

How do we learn today – especially in times of permanent structural changes and rapid developments? What forms of learning are effective? Active Learning as a method aimed at acquiring direct experience could be an answer to today’s training needs in the market.
Read more in our latest whitepaper!
Learning today

Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) are the buzzwords that characterize our time today. The rapid development of complex technologies and markets has created an environment that is bringing about profound changes in a wide range of areas. Companies and people have to adapt and permanently learn anew. Questioning the old, evaluating the existing and creating the new.