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New Whitepaper: Active Learning

How do we learn today – especially in times of permanent structural changes and rapid developments? What forms of learning are effective? Active Learning as a method aimed at acquiring direct experience could be an answer to today’s training needs in the market.

Read more in our latest whitepaper!

Value-based leadership in transformation

Values sound like permanence, transformation sounds like change. We always live between continuity and change, we preserve and change. That has always been the case. What is different today? The world is becoming ever more complex and interconnected, technical developments more rapid as a result, and thus the overall pace of change is breathtaking. How are we as leaders supposed to “stay the course”? Let’s take a look at the patterns behind the changes and the constants to watch out for.

What does agile leadership need?

The increasing flexibility of networks and interdisciplinary team structures require strong teamwork skills in leadership. Developing teams and providing a guardrail is not new territory in the field of leadership. But what is required much more today is increased empathy and sensitivity to different experiences, ways of acting, and ways of thinking.