How much can a person change?

How much can a person change? What are the requirements for this?
People have a need for lifelong learning. The prerequisite for this is that they see an opportunity for further development that corresponds to their individual motives. We provide insight into the research and also 6 practical tips on how to encourage and support your employees to change.
Study of the month: July

Energy Factory St. Gallen and HR Pepper Management Consultants collaborated in April 2020 to examine how the Corona Crisis is impacting leadership culture and success in organizations. The result: top executives apparently tend to lose touch with reality!
Apparently, top executives at the 300 companies surveyed have a much more positive view of both their own work and their company’s culture than other organizational…
Study of the month: June

Around a third of managers in Germany feel overworked and insecure. This is shown by a recent study conducted by the Bertelsmann Stiftung in cooperation with the Rheinhard Mohn Institute for Corporate Management. Since doubts about leadership have been shown to be associated with a lower leadership impact, many companies consequently give away valuable potential.
But what are the reasons behind the self-doubt of German managers and how can it be remedied?
Simulations enable deep learning with the whole personality

Simulations are an ideal technique for sustained and deep learning. Their effectiveness in generating new knowledge and at the same time applying it practically as skills has already been successfully demonstrated in many studies. Learn how our brains learn and how simulations with Active Learning also provide deep learning in management.
Study of the month: May

Hays, in cooperation with IBE, surveyed approximately 1000 corporate decision-makers from various companies in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in an empirical study for this year’s HR Report. The HR Report, published in January 2020, focuses on lifelong learning and also looks at current HR trends.
Conclusion: Lifelong learning has a high priority in the company.
How authentic can I be in the professional setting?

In a professional context, authenticity is a success factor: new employees should contribute to the team with their entire personality, and employees want their managers to behave in a credible manner.
We also talk a lot about this phenomenon in our Strametz seminars and trainings. Young recruits in particular are always asking us…
Provide clarity & security

In everyday working life – and especially in a time of crisis like now – there are often difficult issues that need to be communicated to employees: for example, an unpleasant business situation, uncertain prospects or personal cutbacks.
The be-all and end-all when it comes to bad news is good communication!
Study of the month: March

A team from Harvard Business School and the BCG Henderson Institute surveyed more than 11,000 employees and 6,500 top managers on employees’ willingness to change.
Conclusion: Employees were much more interested in acquiring new skills than employers thought they would be. The study shows that employees are adaptable and optimistic about the future.
Read more …
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Leadership needs climbing wall careers

Increasing self-organization is now on the agenda almost everywhere. If hierarchies are reduced as a result, career alternatives are needed. If this does not exist, then it is only logical that managers block change. Climbing wall careers offer a way out of this dilemma.
A guest article by Anne M. Schüller.