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10 success factors for your assessment center

In our new series of articles, we highlight 10 basic success factors for designing qualitative and valid assessment centers. In the first article, you will learn why a careful requirements analysis is the foundation, why it pays to distinguish between potential and competence, and how specific behavioral anchors enable a sound assessment.

Talent management in the midmarket

In recent years, talent management has established itself as one of the most important issues for executives and HR managers. This development does not stop at small and medium-sized enterprises either. Here in particular, finding and retaining well-trained employees is one of the decisive factors in ensuring the company’s long-term competitiveness. But how can talent management work specifically in the midmarket? What special features are there to consider and what can practical measures look like? In our new series of articles, SMEs learn how to attract, identify, develop and retain talent.

Talent management in production

A potential-oriented Development Center provides the basis for a transparent
and fair talent management process to identify and develop candidates for manufacturing leadership positions.

Support career decisions through development centers

A career-oriented development center, positioned between an orientation center and a reflection seminar, provides the
The basis for a genuine commitment between the company and its employees to the
suitable career path.

Debunking myths in personnel diagnostics

Many myths and prejudices surround the topic of personnel diagnostics. In general, myths and prejudices have not only disadvantages: There is always a bit of truth to them. In addition, rigid stances on certain issues provide stability. If several people have the same view, they even connect. A team feeling develops. However, the more cultivated myths are, the more they can slow down progress. Where fixed paradigms rule, there is usually little room for innovation, forward thinkers have a hard time, and change managers are fighting windmills. How can HR developers and managers escape this struggle and get back to the basics?

As HR consultants, we encounter certain myths in HR development/diagnostics on a regular basis. In the following, we would like to point out the two most common myths from personnel diagnostics and review them.

Is talent hard to find today?

Each era has its own peculiarities. The year 1769: Sturm und Drang, the birth of free genius. The year 2015: postmodern, companies struggle to attract and retain the geniuses. Most of the time, we talk about talent. The question that arises is, what makes a talent recognizable and how does it become identifiable?

The answer is: with the use of instruments from personnel diagnostics. Especially today it is more important than ever to pay attention to quality. It is not only about the quality of the product that is delivered to the customer, be it a material object or a service. More than that, it is about the quality of cooperation, which is crucial for the quality success of the product. Most people in positions of responsibility rely on their knowledge of human nature on this point, but they are not infrequently mistaken. Deceptive effects in the hiring interview are normal. People in positions of responsibility project their expectations into people who seem competent and likeable to them. Already many a talent has turned out to be a “bloom”, counterfeit money, more appearance than reality (more on this topic). How are deceptive effects avoided?

In the job interview: Do like and like go together?

For most mid-size employers, the free interview is still considered the most popular diagnostic method in the hiring process. In most cases, people still rely on their gut feeling when it comes to making decisions regarding applicants. The focus here is on whether the applicant fits into the team and the culture of the company or the management. The consequences of this subjective action are often expensive and unpleasant costs. […]