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Whitepaper Digital Leadership Skills

How can executives make sure they are prepared for the digital future?

Digital leadership skills: Fashionable topic or future success factor?

Suddenly, everything seems to happen very quickly. For years, politicians have failed to come up with an effective digitization strategy. And many small and medium-sized enterprises still refuse to make digital transformation a top priority. The fact that we are currently witnessing the beginning of an industrial revolution similar to those experienced with the use of hydropower and the electrification of production may have been read by many in the feuilleton. But few people realize what this will mean for our lives in ten or twenty years’ time.

And now: As a result of the contact ban, without which the Corona pandemic could not be brought under control, digitization is suddenly more present in everyday life than ever before: smartphones are being bought so that people can make video calls to parents and grandparents. The shares of digital work platform providers such as Teamviewer and Zoom are rising despite the economic crisis. Childbirth preparation courses, public lectures, seminars and theater performances: Suddenly, everything is also offered digitally, which means that for the first time we can credibly say we have the world at our fingertips.

For businesses, the pandemic’s lash-and-push digitization of our everyday lives is a wake-up call. Once digital processes are implemented, they are more cost-effective and efficient than others. At the same time, the crisis has opened up new digital business areas. Both can easily become a threat to traditional companies and their products. This means it is high time for corporate management to take up the digital challenge. But how can this succeed? How can managers make sure they are prepared for the digital future? Do they have to develop digital leadership skills for this, as we keep hearing? Do they exist at all and if so, what are the competencies? In our new whitepaper Digital Leadership Competencies: Fashionable topic or future success factor? we answer these questions: Whitepaper Digital Leadership Competencies

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