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New Whitepaper: Active Learning

How do we learn today - especially in times of permanent structural changes and rapid developments? What forms of learning are effective? Active Learning as a method aimed at acquiring direct experience could be an answer to today's training needs in the market. Read more in our latest whitepaper!

Active Learning for efficient personnel development

How do we learn today – especially in times of permanent structural changes and rapid developments? What forms of learning fit into this time? How can HR departments prepare their employees for the ever-changing requirements. What forms of learning are effective? Active learning as a form of learning aimed at acquiring direct experience could be an answer to today’s continuing education requirements in the market.

Our new whitepaper “Active Learning” focuses on this particular learning approach and also provides a comprehensive overview of learning in general, digital learning, current developments in brain research and findings from learning research. Active Learning and Digital Learning are contrasted and discussed in the current context.

We present our very special Active Learning approach, our philosophy, our way of working and attitude and describe how we work together with our participants to optimally develop their profiles and professional goals.

Active Learning as an answer to our VUCA-influenced world, creates fast and sustainable learning and further development effects and generates a stable platform for a confident and mature appearance e.g. in new professional positions and organizational challenges.

Read more about this interesting approach, how it works and its effects now in our new whitepaper “Active Learning”! Please have a look at our Whitepapers

I hope you enjoy reading

Your team from Strametz [&] Associates

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