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In the job interview: Do like and like go together?

For most mid-size employers, the free interview is still considered the most popular diagnostic method in the hiring process. In most cases, people still rely on their gut feeling when it comes to making decisions regarding applicants. The focus here is on whether the applicant fits into the team and the culture of the company or the management. The consequences of this subjective action are often expensive and unpleasant costs. [...]

On the resilience of the gut feeling as a decision-making factor

For most mid-size employers, the free interview is still considered the most popular diagnostic method in the hiring process. In most cases, people still rely on their gut feeling when it comes to making decisions regarding applicants. The focus here is on whether the applicant fits into the team and the culture of the company or the management. The consequences of this subjective action are often expensive and unpleasant costs. Without trained HR experts to conduct the interviews, there is a real risk of miscasting. “Acting on pure gut instinct is, in the view of some psychologists, acting on affect.” So Dipl. Psychologist Kristiana Dzhordzheva, HR diagnostician at Strametz [&] Associates: “Never go by first impressions, especially when it comes to a new hire. If someone seems likeable to you on first impression, that person will most likely be likeable a year from now. But does that say anything about the candidate’s professional competence? Probably not.”

In order to find out whether a candidate is suitable for the future job, sound diagnostics and applicable expertise are required. The more than 100 different tests for personnel diagnostics from Strametz [&] Associates, provide you with meaningful results in various diagnostic areas. Simulation methods for observing participants in critical, entrepreneurial situations can also give SME decision-makers a vivid impression.

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