A look behind the scenes: Interview with Christine Wendl
At Strametz, we write the success stories together – and together with the people who stand for Strametz. We asked our employees, our consultants, what makes them tick as people and what moves them at Strametz.
Today in the interview: Christine Wendl, our partner and senior consultant.
Self-efficacy – the royal road to success?
Which characteristics and skills in your employees ensure an above-average contribution to the company? The trend topic of self-efficacy has received special attention in recent years. But is self-efficacy really the royal road to success?
Shaping sustainable transformations in companies
Crises usually reveal how sustainable motivation, cohesion, flexibility, customer orientation, creativity, etc. are or are not present in a culture. A crisis also reveals the need for change, which is often ignored in good times. “The good has always been the enemy of the better,” Voltaire already knew in the 18th century. Now, however, all entrepreneurs, decision-makers and responsible persons in the organizations have been shaken up.
Learning today
Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) are the buzzwords that characterize our time today. The rapid development of complex technologies and markets has created an environment that is bringing about profound changes in a wide range of areas. Companies and people have to adapt and permanently learn anew. Questioning the old, evaluating the existing and creating the new.