Future Work Planning – Shaping the Work of the Future

Whether we talk about new work, digitization or digital transformation, one thing is clear: the world of work is undergoing fundamental change and “work” is on its way to the next stage of evolution. Digitization is possibly the strongest driver, because it changes everything: the way we work, live, communicate, lead. The way to acquire, pass on and expand knowledge, to obtain and share information. The way to consume, buy and share. The changes in the world of work will be drastic: Services and products may change completely, work will no longer be a place where you go, and tasks, working methods, working hours and places will change. Tasks will be completely eliminated, but new ones will be added that we cannot yet name. If companies are prepared to deal with change at an early stage, it holds great opportunities: to position themselves for the future, to remain or become innovation leaders and an attractive employer, and to design “work” in such a way that a balance is created between the requirements of the company and those of its employees.