Developing managers sustainably with Active Learning – now also remotely

Put an end to ineffective seminars and boring role plays: We show you how effective leadership development also works in your company. Using the Active Learning approach and Strametz & Associates’ effective leadership simulation.
Whether remote or present – 2022 is all about growth with Active Learning

In an interview with our online editorial team, the Managing Director of Strametz & Associates, Michael Kühner, looks back on one of the most successful financial years since the company was founded and talks about the major challenges in people management, a new leadership culture in companies and the concrete plans in 2022.
Simulations enable deep learning with the whole personality

Simulations are an ideal technique for sustained and deep learning. Their effectiveness in generating new knowledge and at the same time applying it practically as skills has already been successfully demonstrated in many studies. Learn how our brains learn and how simulations with Active Learning also provide deep learning in management.
New Whitepaper: Active Learning

How do we learn today – especially in times of permanent structural changes and rapid developments? What forms of learning are effective? Active Learning as a method aimed at acquiring direct experience could be an answer to today’s training needs in the market.
Read more in our latest whitepaper!
Learning today

Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) are the buzzwords that characterize our time today. The rapid development of complex technologies and markets has created an environment that is bringing about profound changes in a wide range of areas. Companies and people have to adapt and permanently learn anew. Questioning the old, evaluating the existing and creating the new.