Different experience.

Seminare und Workshops für Führungskräfte bei Strametz - unsere Sommerakademie.
Grafik Signet Youngstars Strametz

Summer Academy

Next Leadership: Your journey into the future of leadership

We'll get you through the summer! With our workshops and seminars on leadership and self-leadership.

Welcome to our summer academy! Here we offer you a unique opportunity to learn more about yourself and develop your leadership skills. Our seminars and workshops are aimed at managers, future managers and all those who want to improve their self-management skills. Immerse yourself in exciting topics relating to leadership and self-management and let our experienced consultants accompany you.

Our summer academy is open to everyone. We want as many people as possible to benefit from our seminars and workshops. We therefore offer attractive entry-level prices that enable you to receive high-quality training at an affordable price. Registration is uncomplicated and takes just a few steps. Take advantage of this opportunity to develop yourself personally and professionally.

Our workshops at the Summer Academy

We'll get you through the summer! With our workshops and seminars on leadership and self-leadership.

Working Genius! Building teams and projects effectively and successfully at last

Do you know your genius? How can you organize your team and your projects to work happier and more effectively? In this workshop, we will work on the following focal points:

  • Practical introduction to the “6 Types of Working Genius” by Patrick Lencioni
  • Identification of personal geniuses
  • Optimization of teamwork through a better understanding of the individual genius types and their interaction

For all managers or team members who want to organize their team and project work effectively.

Trainer: Jona Friede

Dates: 13.07. | 24.07. | 21.08. | 04.09., je 19:30

Duration: 2 hours

Costs: 89,- EUR (plus. VAT)

Birkmann personality workshop

We develop your personal Birkmann personality profile: Who am I? What do I need? How should I be treated? What do I want to do most? And where do the others differ from me? The following focal points await you:

  • Carrying out the Birkman assessment (already included in the price!) and working with the personal results
  • Getting to know and naming our differences
  • Transfer to your work, partnership and social relationships

For all those who want to get to know their personality in a profound and holistic way.

Trainer: Jona Friede

Dates: 13.07.| 25.07., 2 p.m. each, | 17.07. | 22.08. | 05.09., 5 p.m. each

Duration: 4 hours

Costs: 378,- EUR (incl. Costs for personality assessment, plus. VAT)

Mindfulness at work

Our hectic reality with multitasking, endless to-do lists and overcrowded mailboxes often leaves no room for mindfulness. Together we escape the program of our autopilot! The following focal points await you in our six-part workshop series:

  • Experience different ways of mindfulness, postures, experiments and concentration exercises
  • Meditation – even without “incense” and “sounds of the spheres”
  • Modern cognitive science standards with reference to neuroscience

For anyone looking to slow down in their everyday working life and experience the positive effects of mindfulness.

Coach: Marco Ruhlkötter

Dates: 13.07 + 20.07. + 27.07. + 17.08. + 24.08. + 31.08., each 3:30 p.m.

Duration: 6 x 90 minutes

Cost: 349,- EUR (plus. VAT)

The secret of motivation: newly decoded (free of charge!)

How do I motivate my employees? This is the most frequently asked question in leadership seminars. But is it even possible to actively influence this? We will examine the following topics in our short workshop:

  • Latest motivation model
  • How motivation works and how it is influenced
  • This is what current research says

For anyone who wants to learn more about the psychology of motivation and understand how you influence the behavior of others.

Trainer: Michael Kühner

Dates: 18.07. | 15.08., 3 p.m. each

Duration: 90 minutes

free of charge

Dealing with different personality types and structures

Who am I and if so, how many? An exciting journey to yourself and a manual for dealing with different personality types. Learn how to present yourself authentically and confidently, and how to handle the “tough nuts” with ease. We will focus on the following topics in this workshop:

  • Better understand need and personality structures and recognize inner drivers
  • Otherness as an opportunity: rethinking personality typologies
  • Sound of sovereignty: using the voice as a convincing medium

For all those who want to appear more convincing, lead more influentially and live a self-determined life.

Trainer: Jochen Voss

Dates: 19.07. | 18.08., 5 p.m. each

Duration: 4 hours

178,- EUR (plus. VAT)

Why leadership is also needed in the most modern (self-)organization (free of charge!)

Why is leadership still an important and sought-after skill in today’s working world, even if some experts believe that managers should be abolished? You can expect the following focal points:

  • Leadership as a process of joint action
  • What shapes leadership in modern organizations?
  • Ability to exert positive influence without abusing power

For anyone who is interested in the topic of leadership and would like to reflect on their own leadership role.

Trainer: Michael Kühner

Dates: 07/21, 9:30 a.m. | 09/07, 4 p.m.

Duration: 90 minutes

free of charge

Self-organization needs self-management! Taking people with you on the path to Modern Work

Why do we need more self-organization and what do people need in the context of New Work, agile working and the like? How can we use the principles of modern work in the daily adaptation process? The following focal points await you:

  • Basics of self-organization and exchange of experience
  • Insight into the big players’ measures: How Google, SAP & Telekom empower their employees in dynamic and self-organized environments

For all managers or team members who want to strengthen their self-organization and self-leadership.

Trainer: Kamil Barbarski

Dates: 09.08., 10 o’clock

Duration: 2 hours

89,- EUR (plus. VAT)

Transformational leadership

The short workshop on our popular classic seminar “Transformational Leadership”: Ready to become an authentic and effective leader? Discover the power of transformational leadership and spur your team on to peak performance through inspiration. It deals with the following topics:

  • Fundamentals of transformational leadership
  • Motivation through participation, integration, coaching & inspiration
  • Reflection and improvement of leadership behavior

For managers and junior managers at all levels and those who want to become managers.

Trainer: Michael Kühner

Dates: 16.08., 3 p.m. | 08.09., 9 a.m.

Duration: 2 hours

89,- EUR (plus. VAT)

Feelings in business - is that possible?

Advertising has always known it: we are motivated to buy through emotional appeal. But in the workplace, feelings are often seen as unprofessional. But why? We will be working on these focal points in our three-part workshop series:

  • Questioning feelings and emotions in the work environment
  • Messages and powers of emotions in a professional context
  • Improving relationships, communication and creating a positive working atmosphere in a professional context

For all those who want to use the positive effect of emotions in a work context and experience new vitality as a result.

Coach: Marco Ruhlkötter

Dates: 18.08. + 25.08. + 01.09., 11 a.m. each

Duration: 3 x 90 minutes

178,- EUR (plus. VAT)

Emotional intelligence: what employees really need

Although we long for positive emotions in everyday life, emotional intelligence is often neglected in business life. It is the key to satisfied employees and strong teams! The following topics await you:

  • Introduction and understanding of emotional intelligence
  • Importance of basic psychological needs and psychological safety in business life
  • Practical tools for promoting emotional intelligence

For all current and future managers who want to work on their emotional intelligence.

Marco Ruhlkötter

Tappointments: Aug. 22, 11 a.m.

Duration: 90 minutes

89,- EUR (plus. VAT)

Managing from home and remotely

It is time to face up to the challenges of change in leadership in a practical way. Benefit from best practices, playful learning and a solution-oriented approach. We will work on the following focal points:

  • Self-evident mastery of effective methods for consistent, appreciative leadership at a distance
  • Professional use of digital tools
  • Reflection and further development of your own management style

For all managers who want to professionalize or expand their remote or hybrid forms of work.

Trainer: Karl-Heinz Seßler

Dates: Aug. 23, 10 a.m.

Duration: 1 day

349,- EUR (plus. VAT)

Agile tools for managers - Part I

Immerse yourself in the world of agile management tools and set the course for future-oriented management of your team and your organization. This workshop is the first in our three-part workshop series. You can book the workshops individually.

This workshop focuses on the following:
Communication and collaboration

For all those who want to strengthen their leadership skills in an agile context and are looking for practical tools.

Trainer: Karl-Heinz Seßler

Dates: Aug. 29, 10 a.m.

Duration: 2 hours

89,- EUR (plus. VAT)

Agile tools for managers - Part II

Immerse yourself in the world of agile management tools and set the course for future-oriented management of your team and your organization. This workshop is the second in our three-part workshop series. You can book the workshops individually.

This workshop focuses on the following:
Focus on results and success

For all those who want to strengthen their leadership skills in an agile context and are looking for practical tools.

Trainer: Karl-Heinz Seßler

Dates: Aug. 30, 10 a.m.

Duration: 2 hours

89,- EUR (plus. VAT)

Agile tools for managers - Part III

Immerse yourself in the world of agile management tools and set the course for future-oriented management of your team and your organization. This workshop is the third in our three-part workshop series. You can book the workshops individually.

This workshop focuses on the following:
Strategy and future

For all those who want to strengthen their leadership skills in an agile context and are looking for practical tools.

Trainer: Karl-Heinz Seßler

Dates: Aug. 31, 10 a.m.

Duration: 2 hours

89,- EUR (plus. VAT)

Let go of stress! First aid in stressful situations

How do you free yourself from stress? Not yet or only unconsciously? Together we will develop your individual first aid kit to successfully avoid stressful situations. This workshop deals with the following topics:

  • The nature of stress and its effects on our body
  • Learning appropriate reactions to stressful situations
  • Methods for increasing stress resistance and resilience

For all those who finally want to tackle stress or prevent it from arising in the first place.

Coach: Marco Ruhlkötter

Dates: 07.09., 14:30 h

Duration: 2 hours

89,- EUR (plus. VAT)


Questions that Summer Academy participants often ask us.

To register for a workshop from our Summer Academy, simply use our registration form. You can select one or more formats here. Please make sure that your personal details are complete and correct.

After you have registered for the Summer Academy, you will receive an automatic registration confirmation by e-mail. Please check your inbox and spam folder if you do not receive the confirmation immediately. We will also send you the dial-in details for the online event by e-mail.

Payment for the Summer Academy is made by invoice in advance. You will receive an invoice by e-mail approx. 5 days before the start of the event, which you should pay before the date of the event. Please note that your participation is only binding after receipt of payment. If you wish to cancel your registration after receipt of payment, please contact us in writing at info@strametz.de.

For some formats, we require a certain minimum number of participants. This is individually dependent on the selected format. If the minimum number of participants is not reached, we reserve the right to cancel the event. In this case, we will of course inform you in good time.

Are there any unanswered questions? Please feel free to contact us.

Registration for the Summer Academy

Use the form below to register for our workshops and seminars. You can also register for several topics. Simply select the desired data. You will then receive a registration confirmation with the most important information from us. We look forward to your participation!

Please select your desired event (multiple selection possible):