Different experience.

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Grafik Signet Youngstars Strametz

leadership simulation

For more ability instead of knowledge - with our experience-oriented leadership simulations

Experience instead of theory: Develop effective leadership skills in realistic and practical leadership situations with our leadership solutions.

Our leadership simulation is like driver safety training: participants are confronted with realistic and dynamic situations to prepare them for the challenges of everyday work and to remain capable of acting in an emergency. In this way, a behavioral leadership simulation is used to put together an individual training field for the business world from the various elements.

You can get a first insight by watching our explanatory video:

How managers and talents train their leadership behavior in our leadership simulations

With our proven and successful simulation solutions, your talents and executives experience training and coaching with reality-based simulation of everyday leadership situations. In a business game company, both general management tasks and special management challenges – tailored to your needs as a client – are embedded in a realistic framework.

This leads to situations close to everyday life in which the participants learn through concrete experiences (experiential learning), train their own perception and expand their competencies. For each simulation round, management and employee roles are defined, which rotate between the participants from round to round. This way, your employees are always actively involved (Active Learning) and there are no spectator roles. The simulation rounds vary thematically and allow for a diverse discussion with impulses on leadership issues relevant to practice. As a result, the training brings a high gain in knowledge and a fast transfer of learning.

Intensive feedback sequences following each simulation round enable participants to reflect on the effects of their own leadership behavior, to review them and to make them productive for their own professional challenges. The knowledge gained in accompanying coaching is many times higher than in prefabricated business games and seminars, because the individual “aha” experiences of the participants can be reflected promptly in conversation.

Leadership Simulation Grafik Strametz / business simulation

Our methodology: simulations in an interactive dynamic process (active learning) with intensive reflection coaching in the extensive simulation portfolio

Our solutions for different simulation scenarios are simply based on experience, our very special understanding of leadership aspects in executive development as well as necessary Active Learning fundamentals. It is a behavior-oriented simulation of a typical everyday working life with tasks and activities from the leader and leadership context, which depict various topics and special challenges in a condensed form in several simulation rounds. With the Critical Incident Methodology we control this interactive-dynamic setting and provide a practice-oriented training of different action competencies.

In leadership training, your talents and managers are confronted with realistic and dynamic situations to prepare them for challenges in their daily work and to remain capable of acting in an emergency. We create (on request for you also individually) an individual training ground for everyday business with a behavior-oriented simulation from different elements. This helps leadership talent and leaders address particular leadership challenges. Participants then receive feedback on their actions from various perspectives and thus gain confidence for their real everyday work as a manager under leadership conditions.

Over the years, we have developed a variety of different scenarios with high efficiency. The essence of this is part of our basic training (open leadership simulation) – key experiences and maximum knowledge gain for the expanded ability to act guaranteed.

Bild vom Simulation-Portfolio Strametz mit Leadership-Simulation

Get to know our Leadership Simulation yourself

Already convinced? Then get to know our leadership simulation live – in remote or in presence! We regularly offer our training for HR managers to get to know each other. Just ask for our next dates.

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Product Paper Active Learning Leadership Simulation Leadership Simulation Download
Strametz Insight Active Learning Insight
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Product Brochure Leadership Simulation (DS) Download
Product Paper Active Learning Leadership Simulation (EN) Download
Product Paper Active Learning Leadership Simulation Download
Strametz Insight Active Learning
Whitepaper Active Learning
Zitat von Michael Kühner zu Leadership Simulation
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Leadership Simulation: Our tangibly different solutions

We are the inventor of leadership simulations. Find the right solution here or contact us. We are at your disposal for any further questions.

Our customers can choose from different elements, so that goals and thematic focuses can be implemented with the Leadership Simulation in an experience-oriented way.

Michael Kühner,
managing partner

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Leadership Simulation:
Backgrounds and know-how

What we offer is designed specifically for the purpose of nurturing and developing your talent and leadership. With our standard tools, we see ourselves not only as a provider of training and coaching, but also as a knowledge broker in technical and leadership topics. We regularly report on recognized methods and scientifically based procedures with practical assistance for your everyday management on site. 

Find articles, whitepapers, studies and more here.