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The nextleader can be recognized by certain talents

In our consulting practice, we repeatedly find that applicants for a management position that is to be filled in the short term are often selected using the same methods as junior employees who are actually to be developed in the long term(s). Thus, there is no clean differentiation between competencies and potentials. But actually it is clear: If I am looking for a competent manager for a current management job, I need a competence diagnosis in order to make an optimal decision. But if I am looking for the best talents for a talent pool for later management tasks, then competence diagnostics reaches its limits. After all, how can even the best talent competently (i.e., confidently, consciously, and repeatably) handle difficult leadership situations without knowledge, training, and experience?

Therefore, it is time to implement sensible and action-based potential diagnostics in the entire trend topic of “talent management”. This also offers the chance to discover hidden and less visible talents. In a meta-analysis on leadership potential, we investigated which talents speak for high leadership success here. Read more in our full article.

The nextleader is developed, not born

Future leadership development must be personalized, self-organized and emotionally anchored. This requires a new understanding of “learning” and skills development.

The nextleader does not have to be perfect but reflected

It is an old adage that managers have to operate in the area of tension between employees and the company and manage this. If you read current specialist articles on the subject of tomorrow’s leadership and what the manager must be able to do, the question quickly arises as to how the nextleader is supposed to do it all. The truth is, the nextleader cannot be equally good at all tasks, but he must be aware of the requirements and his behavior in order to lead successfully in the complex and dynamic world. In today’s article, you will learn what role feedback and self-reflection play here and how the process can be meaningfully integrated into the company.

The nextleader promotes talent

Managers who recognize and use the individual talents of their employees lay the foundation for lasting motivation and top performance. The nextleader is aware of this fact and recognizes what is special in each of its employees. Read our post on how this is possible by hiring the right people, customizing the job for the employee, and how the nextleader makes the employee great.

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The nextleader looks at 4 angles

The #nextleader masters the keyboard of people, business, change and self. In the future, leadership will operate in these areas of tension, and managers must achieve a balance in all areas. Our contribution today shows how this can succeed and what leadership must focus on in the future.

The nextleader is a leader for the own self

Many managers have the company and their employees well in mind, but forget themselves and often lose the balance. This is not only about topics such as personal time and goal management, but also about forgetting one’s own values and sensitivities. Read our article to find out which personal dimensions the #nextleader should pay attention to in order to stay in balance and be able to realize the hoped-for potential.

The nextleader supports the orientation movement of its employees

How does the #nextleader manage to bring both interest groups together in the area of tension between the company and the employee – especially when employees are demanding more and more independence and personal development instead of seeing the company’s interests? Read our article to find out why it will be important in the future not only to provide orientation, but to actively support employees’ orientation efforts.

The nextleader needs natural leadership authority

Of course, the nextleader needs natural leadership authority. But what is it made up of? And is better to be loved or feared? Read our article on what the nextleader will be most successful with and how natural leadership authority is composed.

The nextleader has only to do with changes

Changes accompany our entire life, privately and professionally, and shape our actions. Leadership is only justified by change and therefore becomes the core task of the nextleader. To be successful here, the nextleader needs the special competence of leadership wisdom. Read about the aspects that make up this in our first post of the #nextleader series.