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Strametz at the #NextChampions HR event

Already for the fourth time, Dr. Felser invited to networking, exchange and discussion – this time to Phantasialand. 500 visitors found themselves in inspiring sessions on Next Marketing, Next HR and Next Digital. The session on “Next Leadership” by Michael Kühner (Strametz) was also well attended and provided great opportunities for exchange. We also presented our new book for the first time.

Next Leadership needs the Next Leader

Bild Führungssimulation Strametz

What makes for successful leadership? And when exactly is leadership successful?

Leadership should not only be good, but as effective as possible and generate success. But what exactly does success mean? Success is not easy to define and must always be viewed in context. The word “follow” is in it, and means success follows something. However, success is ultimately something that others evaluate.

New Whitepaper: Active Learning

How do we learn today – especially in times of permanent structural changes and rapid developments? What forms of learning are effective? Active Learning as a method aimed at acquiring direct experience could be an answer to today’s training needs in the market.

Read more in our latest whitepaper!

Value-based leadership in transformation

Values sound like permanence, transformation sounds like change. We always live between continuity and change, we preserve and change. That has always been the case. What is different today? The world is becoming ever more complex and interconnected, technical developments more rapid as a result, and thus the overall pace of change is breathtaking. How are we as leaders supposed to “stay the course”? Let’s take a look at the patterns behind the changes and the constants to watch out for.

Learning today

Bild Führungssimulation Strametz

Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity (VUCA) are the buzzwords that characterize our time today. The rapid development of complex technologies and markets has created an environment that is bringing about profound changes in a wide range of areas. Companies and people have to adapt and permanently learn anew. Questioning the old, evaluating the existing and creating the new.

Future Work Planning – Shaping the Work of the Future

Whether we talk about new work, digitization or digital transformation, one thing is clear: the world of work is undergoing fundamental change and “work” is on its way to the next stage of evolution. Digitization is possibly the strongest driver, because it changes everything: the way we work, live, communicate, lead. The way to acquire, pass on and expand knowledge, to obtain and share information. The way to consume, buy and share. The changes in the world of work will be drastic: Services and products may change completely, work will no longer be a place where you go, and tasks, working methods, working hours and places will change. Tasks will be completely eliminated, but new ones will be added that we cannot yet name. If companies are prepared to deal with change at an early stage, it holds great opportunities: to position themselves for the future, to remain or become innovation leaders and an attractive employer, and to design “work” in such a way that a balance is created between the requirements of the company and those of its employees.

The executive in the digital age

Industry 4.0 is not a measurable goal like a company’s budget planning. For example, sales, earnings, costs, investments, personnel, etc. are defined for one year or even several. During this period, the figures can be used to determine whether you are achieving the targets or whether there are any deviations. With Industry 4.0, there are hardly any measurable variables. When employees ask me where we will stand on the topic of Industry 4.0 in 5 years, I answer: I can’t say. I declare that Industry 4.0 is a path we want to take and that I firmly believe it is the right thing to do for our company and our jobs. You can’t measure the future, and you can’t know it. You can shape the future yourself if you have conviction, faith and hope in what you are doing. That is why visions are important. They are not measurable quantities. However, they can give us the courage to break new ground and create success in the future.

7 tips on how best to tackle transformation processes

The future is approaching at breakneck speed. Agilization is therefore becoming increasingly urgent in traditional organizations. After all, the more cumbersome an organization, the more susceptible it is to overtaking. And groundbreaking news comes along every month today.

In times of exponential change, all business models are only temporary anyway. And remodeling is permanent. There are no blanket recipes for this. Rather, suitable procedures must be jointly developed, tested, adapted, further developed, and even discarded as quickly as possible if necessary. And above all, ambidextry.

Playground or breakthrough?

… whatever the headline for the “new” skills, prerequisites, challenges or competencies of a management team, the ability to change is consistently cited as a fundamental characteristic. Leaders are needed to show our society and our companies the way into the new world of digitalization. But where do we stand today in this evolution towards agility, new work and collaboration on the one hand, and innovation, digitalization and artificial intelligence on the other?