Different experience.

Why resumes, interviews and gut feelings are no longer enough when it comes to personnel decisions

Experienced GmbH managing directors like to rely on their knowledge of human nature when selecting suitable candidates. However, anyone who relies solely on likeability, gut feeling and biographical key points when making personnel decisions will not receive a valid statement about how successfully a candidate will fill the new position. How can modern personnel diagnostics help to identify talents, record competencies and potentials and secure personnel decisions?

Debunking myths in personnel diagnostics

Many myths and prejudices surround the topic of personnel diagnostics. In general, myths and prejudices have not only disadvantages: There is always a bit of truth to them. In addition, rigid stances on certain issues provide stability. If several people have the same view, they even connect. A team feeling develops. However, the more cultivated myths are, the more they can slow down progress. Where fixed paradigms rule, there is usually little room for innovation, forward thinkers have a hard time, and change managers are fighting windmills. How can HR developers and managers escape this struggle and get back to the basics?

As HR consultants, we encounter certain myths in HR development/diagnostics on a regular basis. In the following, we would like to point out the two most common myths from personnel diagnostics and review them.