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Leadership effective learning

The study sheds light on the role supervisors and leaders play in leadership development and shows which is the best place to build critical leadership skills.

Leadership Learning Landscape at Boehringer Ingelheim

Together with Boehringer Ingelheim Regional Center Vienna (BI RCV), part of one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical companies, we designed a Leadership Learning Landscape to empower BI RCV leaders to successfully meet the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Study of the month: July

Energy Factory St. Gallen and HR Pepper Management Consultants collaborated in April 2020 to examine how the Corona Crisis is impacting leadership culture and success in organizations. The result: top executives apparently tend to lose touch with reality!

Apparently, top executives at the 300 companies surveyed have a much more positive view of both their own work and their company’s culture than other organizational…

Leadership needs climbing wall careers

Increasing self-organization is now on the agenda almost everywhere. If hierarchies are reduced as a result, career alternatives are needed. If this does not exist, then it is only logical that managers block change. Climbing wall careers offer a way out of this dilemma.

A guest article by Anne M. Schüller.

Our book: Next Leadership

Bild Führungssimulation Strametz

With our work “Next Leadership – Führung in neuen Arbeitswelten” (Next Leadership – Leadership in New Working Environments), we not only want to provide an overview of empirical findings, different approaches and approaches to next leadership, but also to encourage concrete implementation options and procedures in the company through methods and best practices. Leading HR experts provide insight into your business and their approaches.

What remains of leadership

When Dr. Felser (Netskill Solutions) invites, full halls are guaranteed. This was also the case on March 28 at #NextChampions. This time, people gathered at Phantasialand to discuss, exchange ideas and network in fishbowls and various sessions. Topics included viable success patterns for hidden champions and other companies in the relevant design areas of marketing, new work and HR, and Industry 4.0.

Next Leadership needs the Next Leader

Bild Führungssimulation Strametz

What makes for successful leadership? And when exactly is leadership successful?

Leadership should not only be good, but as effective as possible and generate success. But what exactly does success mean? Success is not easy to define and must always be viewed in context. The word “follow” is in it, and means success follows something. However, success is ultimately something that others evaluate.