Different experience.

Bild von Studenten bei der Youngstars Berufs- und Karriereberatung von Strametz
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Vocational and career counseling
with Strametz Youngstars

Strametz Youngstars: Vocational and career advice for pupils and students

If, like us, you are concerned with the professional selection and development of managers and talents, you will not be able to avoid an offer for private professional and career consulting with Strametz Youngstars. Our offer is aimed at high school and university students on their way to finding the right job, course of study or training at the beginning of their career.

Every person is uniquely gifted and should be able to develop their full potential. This conviction is part of the self-image of our daily work and the passion that drives us at Strametz. We believe that consulting should be professional and of the highest quality, always with our clients at the center. In doing so, we draw on years of experience and use recognized and proven methods.

During the job and career counseling with Strametz Youngstars, we take care of a whole day to find out the person’s particular combination of talents, individual personality structure and preferred interests. On our journey of discovery, we go in search of the right perspectives and the individual environment that suits the person and profile.

In this way, we show young people the first paths that will decide their future and provide pointers for a promising choice of career or course of study using selected tools and methods from our Strametz Professional Compass shown below. With complementary recommendations and our feedback, you as a high school or college student begin to successfully navigate your career in the constant cycle of reinforcing elements of talents, personality, interests, desires, and the appropriate career or degree program. In our opinion, you can hardly make a more valuable investment in your future.

Grafik Perspective Check Strametz

Strametz Youngstars: What future managers and talents have to say about it

Grafik Zitat Strametz Youngstars

Today, I know exactly what career direction I want to take after the experts at Strametz Youngstars opened my eyes to it. As a result, I am now able to complete my part-time studies directly at Strametz.

Luca Rose
Dual student

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Bild Student Strametz Berufs- und Karriereberatung Youngstars

The perspective check: Professional job and career counseling in online format

Not every person has professional support at the beginning of their career and when choosing a career. Many employees, talents and managers simply grow into their tasks without having identified the right job or task for themselves. With our perspective check as a basis, you can also succeed in a corresponding change of direction later on.

In our opinion, the full potential can only be developed by those people whose personal, professional and thematic skills are linked as closely as possible to the profession and the associated activities. If the profession serves only to secure one’s livelihood, it is sometimes difficult to face the daily challenges of everyday working life. Latent dissatisfaction, low motivation, and even physical ailments in the end may be signs that it’s time for you to rethink your outlook.

However, it doesn’t always have to be a change of career. In many cases, it is enough to change the scope of duties in a direction that matches your skills, inclinations, interests and strengths. If you want to find out how you can improve your situation, our perspective check is just right for you. Over several weeks we accompany you online with exciting tasks for self-knowledge, Reflections and support via personal coaching. You want to know more or even book right away? Just click on the button.

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