Different experience.

Signet Strametz Lösungen

Development Center

Development Center – from a mix of methods to an interactive-dynamic setting

The procedure of the Development Center

The Development Center (DC), unlike the Assessment Center (AC), is a development tool for employees in the company for whom further promotion is being considered. Similar to the assessment center, this is a multimodal procedure, i.e. several methods are combined in order to record specific competencies or rather potentials relevant for a future professional activity as objectively as possible.

Most often, the Development Center is associated with the opportunity to self-reflect on individual strengths and development opportunities and to receive feedback from different perspectives. Feedback not infrequently provides good guidance for addressing one’s own professional goals. In addition, the Development Center provides impetus for the derivation of targeted support measures in preparation for the future target position.

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We have established unique development concepts, simulation solutions and tools that enable us to bring about profound and sustainable change in people and organizations.

With our solutions, we have found paths to success for future people companies. We use digital tools for our work, but focus on people and their development. We develop talents and leaders more vertically (personality) than horizontally (skillset). Our diagnostic methods are mature, appreciated and are the starting point for custom-fit development concepts. Find unique solutions by clicking on the terms below.